Monthly Course for Credit Tuition, September-June (10 monthly payments):
(Tuition rates are finalized on August 1st)
Course for Credit Group Class: $845 per course, per month
Course for Credit One-on-One Class: $980 per course, per month
*Contact us for summer tuition rates
AP Course for Credit Group Class: $965 per course, per month
AP Course for Credit One-on-One Class: $1105 per course, per month
Students enrolled in 3+ course for credit classes will receive a reduced tuition rate:
3 classes: $150 reduction per month
4 classes: $200 reduction per month
5+ classes: $300 reduction per month
*Teacher requests will be accommodated only if scheduling permits. Student registration should not be contingent on specific teacher placement.
*Group classes usually range from 2-6 students.
*One-on-one classes can only be guaranteed during our after school Course for Credit period.
*Parents/Students can access grades, assignments, test scores, and attendance through the Gradelink portal created during registration. Please email:, if you have any questions regarding access.
*For continuing students, a teacher recommendation and student conduct will factor into the decision for re-enrollment.
Tutoring Rates:
Tutoring (Individual Session): $65/hour
Tutoring (Shared Session): $55/hour
*Contact us for summer payment schedules
Non-Refundable Registration Fees:
(The registration fee provides all resources, books, and materials needed for your student's course(s))
Full-Time, Diploma Granting Enrollment: $675
Course for Credit Enrollment: $375
Summer Course for Credit Enrollment: $250
Van Transportation Fee (optional): $45/month
*Tutoring students are excluded from enrollment fees
Payment Policies for the School YearThe total tuition for the school year is calculated and divided equally over 10 months. Here are the payment options:
1) Pay online via Quickbooks, due on the first of each month
2) Pay via check, due on the first of each month. Checks can be dropped off at the school office or mailed to:
The Privett Academy
P.O. Box #42
Mercer Island, WA 98040Payment Policies for the SummerPayment options for Course for Credit:
1) Pay entire amount determined for summer at the time of enrollment via Quickbooks or check.
2) Pay 50% of the amount due at the time of enrollment, and the remaining 50% within the next 30 days via Quickbooks or check.
Payment for all summer tutoring sessions must be paid prior to the first session date to secure your session times. Any missed sessions due to illness or an emergency can either be made up on a different date or can be transferred as a tutoring credit in the Fall.
Late Fees A late fee of $50 will be assessed if payment is not received by the invoice due date.Teaching services may be suspended if a notice of non-payment is given by both email and phone and payment thereafter is left unpaid. Privett transcripts will not be released if there is a tuition balance due. After 90 days, your account will be turned over to a collection agency.
If you have questions about your tuition statement, please email: